Phone Script:
Community Call to Action:
It’s time to put pressure on Congress to pass a Clean DREAM Act now. Let’s unite and call our members of Congress today and let them know – we need a #CleanDreamActNow!
Find Your Representatives
Hello, my name is (________).
I'm a resident of (_________).
I’m calling Senator/Representative (___) to support passage of a CLEAN DREAM ACT. The livelihood of millions of undocumented immigrants are at stake. Many undocumented immigrants have disabilities or care for those who have disabilities. Protected status means immigrants with disabilities who need life-saving treatment will be deterred from going to hospitals for fear of deportation. Overcrowding in detention centers leads to inhuman treatment and poor medical care. This, and much more, negatively impacts people with disabilities. We should not be treating the vulnerable this way.
Community Call to Action:
It’s time to put pressure on Congress to pass a Clean DREAM Act now. Let’s unite and call our members of Congress today and let them know – we need a #CleanDreamActNow!
Find Your Representatives
Hello, my name is (________).
I'm a resident of (_________).
I’m calling Senator/Representative (___) to support passage of a CLEAN DREAM ACT. The livelihood of millions of undocumented immigrants are at stake. Many undocumented immigrants have disabilities or care for those who have disabilities. Protected status means immigrants with disabilities who need life-saving treatment will be deterred from going to hospitals for fear of deportation. Overcrowding in detention centers leads to inhuman treatment and poor medical care. This, and much more, negatively impacts people with disabilities. We should not be treating the vulnerable this way.