Michón Neal
[email protected]
Michón Neal is an impossible Black alien Othergender Dragon who tattoos trees with the queerest most sinister ink and hurts all the time. Sensitivity Editor and Founder of Cuil Press, Public Speaker and Accountability Counselor at Postmodern Woman, Creator of Cuil Fiction, Integrated Feminism, Integrated Non-Monogamy and Public Speaker on Intersectionality and Invisible Disabilities.
[email protected]
Michón Neal is an impossible Black alien Othergender Dragon who tattoos trees with the queerest most sinister ink and hurts all the time. Sensitivity Editor and Founder of Cuil Press, Public Speaker and Accountability Counselor at Postmodern Woman, Creator of Cuil Fiction, Integrated Feminism, Integrated Non-Monogamy and Public Speaker on Intersectionality and Invisible Disabilities.